Sooriya Hospital Chennai
Master Health Checkup in Chennai

Pulmonary Function Laboratory

Pulmonary Function Laboratory placed in the department of Respiratory Medicine under the guidance of Dr. Venugopal, Pulmonologist , who is having rich experience in this field. Here pulmonary functions are been monitored through calculating lung mechanics and lung volumes by latest scientific method, thereby pulmonary function diagnosis are made.

Functioning times: 10 am to 1 pm all week days except Sundays
4.30 pm to 8.30 pm all week days except Sundays

For appointments: 044-23761750-56 Extn:178

Pulmonary Function Laboratory

Pulmonary Function Laboratory placed in the department of Respiratory Medicine under the guidance of Dr. Venugopal, Pulmonologist , who has rich experience in this field. Here pulmonary functions are monitored through calculating lung machanics and lung volumes by latest scientific methods, thereby pulmonary function diagnosis are made.

Functioning times: 10 am to 1 pm all week days except Sundays
4.30 pm to 8.30 pm all week days except Sundays

For appointments: 044-23761750-56 Extn:178

24 hours service For details: 044-23761750-56

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Sooriya Hospitals Chennai

Post covid pulmonary sequelae management (An initiative of Department of pulmonary Medicines Sooriya Hospital, Chennai.)